Who the F*ck are you,

noah fye?

Great question! Keep reading.

I struggle with answering that question. Sometimes I tell people what I do. Or what I enjoy, or who I’m inspired by, or what I make in terms of my art, or if it’s a slow conversation, maybe even what I had for breakfast that day. 

You might know me as the sharp dressed guy who gave you a business card or sent you this link when you asked for a portfolio of design work.

You could also know me as the faceless hero of Providence, who brings the good times to those who seek them.

Now, you’re probably curious to see what the talk about this new kid on the creative block is all about.

I’m Noah Fye. I’m Tom Truly.

I’m an atticboy. I’m a K.O.P.

I’m an art hoe. I’m ‘THAT’ GDI.

I’m a bassist. I’m a comic.

I’m a perfectionist. I’m lazy.

I’m a town fool. I’m myself.

The question is always the same, but the answer never is When it all boils down…

I’m every single one of these things.

Perhaps, you know me as one of minds behind the fashion brand that aims to put college kids into independently-designed clothes that speak to a generation that is still trying to find an identity and chasing the High Life:

AtticBoyz INC.

Even more of a stretch, you may have gotten wise to the name after a seeing a great concert where I kept the band steady with a rockin’ bassline.

Or maybe it was on the lacrosse scoreboard after dropping a hat trick in the first quarter alone. (Ok, probably neither of those things, I just do those for fun).

Regardless, I’m me. Noah. All my professional life, I’ve wanted nothing else but to design, write, and create to earn a living. Even if I could get paid to do my favorite personal hobbies like playing music, cooking, working out, shopping for new suits, and trying to make people laugh all day, then I still probably would design stuff just for the hell of it.



“Passion is the true determinant of one’s success in a creative field”

- Noah Fye

Yep, “super inspiring” tweet by me. Who could have seen that one coming?

So yeah, thanks for reading this far, and for checking out my story and my design work.

i appreciate it more than you COULD EVER know.

Hopefully you got to know the mystery-man behind the dope artwork a little better, and that maybe I can share my talents with you on a project someday. I know we would be able to accomplish something huge together.

Lastly, I really like the font Bauhaus 93…which everybody else hates, but hey, that’s what being a visionary is all about!